Large crowned queen's head with trace of polychromy in half-bump. The crown features a fleur-de-lis and cabochons. The almond-shaped eyes are framed by well-marked eyelids with incised eyelashes. Youthful, oval face with full features characteristic of the late 14th and early 15th century Gothic period. The mouth is small with a nostalgic expression. The hair is represented in fine locks, without a veil.
The presence of the fleur-de-lys, the absence of a veil for a young woman pleads for a representation of a queen of France, and not of a virgin. The identification is difficult because of the state of the sculpture but the time and the small mouth suggests a provincial representation of Jeanne de Bourbon, wife of Charles V (queen from 1364 to 1378). Isabeau of Bavaria who succeeds her presents very different traits.
Origin: Champagne, France
Medium: Limestone
Size: Height 21 cm
Period: Late 14th century
Condition: Erosion, missing nose.