Polychrome Altarpiece. Entombment of Christ.

Beautiful altarpiece element in polychrome limestone depicting the Entombment and depicting 6 characters surrounding Christ. Joseph of Arimathea and Mary are depicted at his bedside.
This piece is distinguished by the presence of 6 personages instead of the traditional 7, John beardless and seated is present, as well as Nicodemus, one of the 3 holy women (Marie Madeleine, Marie Salomé and Marie Cléophas) ​​is absent from the scene. .

This piece has retained its original polychromy, retouching and restorations.
Bibliography: La Statuaire de la Mise au tombeau du Christ aux xve et xvie siècles en Europe Occidentale - Michel Martin - 1997


Origin: France

Medium: Limestone

Size: Height 30cm - Width 37cm - Depth 12cm

Period: 16th century

Condition: Small restorations, a glued head


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