Triumphant Christ wood polychrome sculpture. Gothic Corpus Christi.

Beautiful and important triumphant Christ in lime wood with remains of polychromy. Christ has his head leaning on his right shoulder, his eyes half-closed and his mouth half open. The hair is combed into thin locks, falling on the shoulders. It wears a short perizonium, with V-shaped folds. The legs keep a relatively parallel position. The face is beautiful, the nose well defined. Our sculpture responds to the canons of the German Christs triumphant from the beginning of the 15th century. It still shows clear influences from the 14th century.

Related works: crucifixion of Brandenburg Cathedral (Germany), Christ of the village church of Chorin (Germany), Christ triumphant of St Wendel (Germany), Christ triumphant of Kaysersberg (Alsace, France ).
Works consulted: Spätmittelalter am Oberrhein, Alltag Handwek und Handel, 1350-1525, Badisches Landsmuseum 2001 - Das Bild des Gekreuzigten im Mittelalter, Edgar Hürkey, 1983 - Catalog of sculptures from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and modern times, André Michel , National Museum of the Louvre, 1987.

Information request

Origin: Germany

Medium: Linden wood

Size: H:71cm

Period: 15th century

Condition: Visible gaps

Price: 3 900€


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