Romanesque corbel. South West of France.

Hairless and stylized mask with almond-shaped eyes and hollow pupils. Piece from the collection of Doctor Stephen Chauvet (1885-1950) and probably coming from the surroundings of Monpazier (Dordogne) where he had a residence and collected works from this period during the Second World War.

Related works: the Romanesque church of Aigleparse (12th century) located near Monpazier presents corbels of very similar style, and worked in the same type of rock.
Bibliography: René Crozet, L'art roman, 1996 - Frank Horvat and Michel Pastoureau, Figures romanes, 2001.


Origin: France, Dordogne

Medium: Limestone

Size: Height 17cm

Period: 12th century

Condition: Good general condition


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